Meetings 2007

For 2007, so far the meetings below are planned. In addition, WG17 plans to hold monthly phone conferences the first Wednesday of each month at 13.00 UTC.

8.1.  Scottsdale, U.S.  WG19, SS-CC Task Force Meeting; The meeting is the same week as the IEEE PSRC meeting  
22. - 23.1.  Oslo, Norway  Task Force for IEC 62445-3 (Gateway IEC 61850 - IEC 60870-5) 
7. - 10.2.  San Diego, U.S.  WG10 and 17; same week as DistribuTech  
17. - 21.4.   Seoul, Korea  Meeting WG10. The Meeting is the week before APAP2007 conference  
2. - 3.5.  Baden, Switzerland  Meeting WG10, Task Force SS-SS communication 
2. - 4.5.  Minneapolis, U.S.  Meeting WG19 
9. - 11.5.   Minneapolis, U.S.   TC57 Plenary and SPAG 
11. - 12.6.  Bergen, Norway  Meeting WG10, Task Force for IEC 62445-3 (Mapping 61850 / 60870-5) 
18. - 22.6.  Oldenburg, Germany  WG17 Meeting and Conference with DER domain experts 
10. - 14.9.   Quebec City, Canada   WG10 and 18 (note that the IEEE PSRC meeting will be the following week in Charlotte, NC)  
27. - 28.9.  Madrid, Spain  Joint Meeting WG 10 Task Force Mapping on 60870-5-104 and TC88, PT25 
29.10. - 2.11.  Gatineau, Canada   WG17 Meeting