Scottsdale, U.S.
WG19, SS-CC Task Force Meeting; The meeting is the same week as the IEEE PSRC meeting
22. - 23.1.
Oslo, Norway
Task Force for IEC 62445-3 (Gateway IEC 61850 - IEC 60870-5)
7. - 10.2.
San Diego, U.S.
WG10 and 17; same week as DistribuTech
17. - 21.4.
Seoul, Korea
Meeting WG10. The Meeting is the week before APAP2007 conference
2. - 3.5.
Baden, Switzerland
Meeting WG10, Task Force SS-SS communication
2. - 4.5.
Minneapolis, U.S.
Meeting WG19
9. - 11.5.
Minneapolis, U.S.
TC57 Plenary and SPAG
11. - 12.6.
Bergen, Norway
Meeting WG10, Task Force for IEC 62445-3 (Mapping 61850 / 60870-5)
18. - 22.6.
Oldenburg, Germany
WG17 Meeting and Conference with DER domain experts
10. - 14.9.
Quebec City, Canada
WG10 and 18 (note that the IEEE PSRC meeting will be the following week in Charlotte, NC)
27. - 28.9.
Madrid, Spain
Joint Meeting WG 10 Task Force Mapping on 60870-5-104 and TC88, PT25
29.10. - 2.11.
Gatineau, Canada
WG17 Meeting